Finding his sole: How a Riverview chess master rebooted his life with handmade shoes

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The most commonly-used argument to discredit chess as a sport has to do with where the action takes place. A sport happens on a field, a pitch, or some sort of arena, while the action in chess all happens on a playing board. This makes it no different from a game of Monopoly or Scrabble, some insist.

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The possible depth of calculation depends on the player’s ability. In quiet positions with many possibilities on both sides, a deep calculation is more difficult and may not be practical, while in positions with a limited number of forced variations, strong players can calculate long sequences of moves. No letter initial is used for pawns, so e4 means “pawn moves to e4”. When multiple moves could be rendered the same way, the file or rank from which the piece moved is added to resolve look at this now ambiguity (e.g. Ngf3 means “knight from the g-file moves to the square f3”; R1e2 means “rook on the first rank moves to e2”).

King’s Indian Attack – Simple. Flexible. Dynamic.

Sitting for an hour or two could get arduous for an average player, but the most elite players in the world often face off with opponents for several hours or more. Ultimately, the decision of chess being considered a sport is a matter of personal opinion and definition. However, it is essential to recognize the value of chess as a skillfully competitive game that requires strategy and mental acuity and positively impacts mental well-being. When most people think of sports, they think of activities like basketball, football, and soccer which all require a certain level of physical extertion. What many people don’t realize is that some games which are not traditionally thought of as sports can still require a fair amount of physical activity. These new rules quickly spread throughout Western Europe.

  • To become a chess champion, one needs to have peak concentration, strategic thinking, and mental stamina.
  • Obviously we’re going to disregard the hand-eye-coordination of moving pieces across the board, as that hardly classifies as physical effort.
  • In essence, chess mastery is a cocktail of rule familiarization, relentless practice, strategic understanding, game analyses, endgame tactics, and unparalleled mental resilience.
  • One of the key elements with a rapid, 10-minute time control without increment, which is added time after every move, is mastering the mouse to play faster.

These 2 differences make Chess viable as a Sport and Poker not. That is also what disqualifies most other board games as a sport. Throwing dice and picking cards always entails an element of luck. We have a competitive scene, we’re not hurting anyone (but our own psychological stability sometimes…) by playing chess and there is no single chessboard manufacturer. As the 19th century progressed, chess organization developed quickly. Many chess clubs, chess books, and chess journals appeared.

It also doesn’t hurt the cause that the International Olympic Committee has come down on the “chess-as-a-sport” side of the debate. Peel back the layers, and you’ll recognize that while chess might not tax the body, it undoubtedly challenges the mind. The game demands razor-sharp concentration, intricate strategic foresight, and adept problem-solving prowess. The assertion that it lacks physicality is further debunked when considering the stamina players must muster during long, grueling matches. There have been instances where chess maestros, immersed in the intensity of tournaments, have shed pounds solely from the mental exertion.

“The online events we have run in many ways, I would argue, have been the only Esports gig in town for chess for years,” Danny Rensch, Chief Chess Officer at, told Reuters. “To perform in a video game you need to click faster and make quick good decisions. There’s a similarity with chess and we’ve been interested (in signing a top chess player) for a while,” Nicolas Maurer, the founder of Team Vitality, told Reuters. In most other sporting pursuits, athletes enter their peak around 25. In chess, we have players turning grandmasters before they become a teenager and some becoming world champions before they exit their teens. This dizzying pace can leave those who cannot keep up disoriented.

Online chess

is chess a sport

Those who feel that chess players don’t physically exert themselves have never seen two grandmasters face off in a tense and lengthy game. We’ll discuss more about the physical requirement of chess later. Chess is a strategy game that requires players to think ahead and anticipate their opponent’s moves.

Rigorous study is necessary for professional players, who often employ assistants called seconds to aid them in preparation. While top players typically play reputed variations of openings, they may also study dubious variations in the hopes that their opponent will overlook them in their own studies. The role of memorization in openings is sometimes controversial for delaying the onset of deliberation and creativity in chess games. As we’ve established, there are several similarities between chess players and professional athletes. The only distinguishing factor between them is physical activity and exertion.

is chess a sport

Even though it is not recognized as an “Olympic Sport,” the International Olympic Committee recognizes chess as a sport. Originating centuries ago, chess is a tactical board game. Engaging two players, each assumes control of 16 unique pieces set on a 64-square board. The ensemble consists of a king, queen, rooks, knights, bishops, and a brigade of eight pawns. Critics argue that the absence of physical activity in chess (the game is typically played sitting down) precludes it from being considered a sport.

Today’s chess engines are significantly stronger than the best human players and have deeply influenced the development of chess theory; however, chess is not a solved game. The recorded history of chess goes back at least to the emergence of chaturanga—also thought to be an ancestor to similar games like xiangqi and shogi—in seventh-century India. After its introduction in Persia, it spread to the Arab world and then to Europe. The modern rules of chess emerged in Europe at the end of the 15th century, with standardization and universal acceptance by the end of the 19th century. Today, chess is one of the world’s most popular games, with millions of players worldwide.

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